When you have a conversation with someone ,it means that both parties are taking time to listen to each other and give each other time to speak,comprehend and understand what is being said and also have time to listen to the other person right?This also applies to having a conversation with God in prayer. Prayer being a conversation with God, communication with the Father about anything and everything.
Now imagine having a conversation with someone,and they keep going on and on and on ,but will not give you a chance to speak or a chance to give the occasional "uhuh" or verbal nods ,straight away that conversation turns from a dialogue to a monologue.I don't know about you,but that would annoy me and at some point in that conversation I would just switch off.But thank God for His nature that He will still listen to us even if we carry on talking without taking time to listen to Him.I truly believe that if there is a woman or a man to pray,there is definitely a God to answer.
1 Chronicles 16:11
Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually.
Luke 11:9
"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
The thing is when you are praying,God is also talking back to you,but if you don't take the time to pause and listen to Him speak,you will miss Him speaking and you will ask ,When will He speak to me,i'm tired of praying and not hearing Him speak.Did He Speak?Listen God still speaks today,He is always speaking but are you taking time to listen. It will not be a dramatic thunder and lightning and an echoing voice that will bring fear to you.I am sure He can come in that way ,if He wanted to because He is the Almighty God ,but our God, is so loving and He speaks through His Spirit that lives in you in a still voice, full of love that you know that it is Him because His Spirit Will give testament of Him. Does God speak to us directly? Yes. If we are willing and we are humbled to listen, we will hear directly from God. We may not experience the audible voice of God all the time,butHe may just drop a bible verse in your spirit, and when you open up that Word in the Scriptures,you will receive the answer to your problem or you get direction on how to solve the issue you are facing.Sometimes God can speak to you through another person, answered prayers and experienced miracles,this can be during prayer or after prayer,depending on whether you are praying alone or with others,which is also known as "word of knowledge".But that's a topic for another day. GET YOUR GRATITUDE JOURNAL HERE

How does God speak to us? God speaks to us through our lives.
To hear God, we must be tuned into the right frequency, the proper state of our hearts. Our hearts become hallowed before Him as we seek Him daily in His Word. God’s Word is alive and active Hebrews 4:12. The Holy Spirit translates our prayers to God and reveals our breakthroughs via God’s Word, creation, and character.We must be able to shut down all distractions in order to hear God.
How can we discern God's voice? The Bible says we will find Him when we seek Him with all of our heart. The Prophet Jeremiah in 29:13, reached out to a people far from God and running farther. He wept for His people and begged them to listen, but they turned away from his warnings, God’s word, and toward their consequential destruction. When we seek God in Prayer and in His Word, we start to yearn for Him more and we will be able to hear Him clear.
It's like any relationship,the more you get to know each other the more you know how the other person sounds.The way the person speaks and their response to certain things,so the more you know God, the more you will be able to hear His voice.The deeper your relationship is with the Father,through His Son Jesus Christ,and our Helper the Holy Spirit, we will be able to hear His voice clearly.God bless.
PRAYER Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You desire to speak to me every day and guiding me in Spirit and in Truth to obey Your Word and enjoy an abundant life. I thank You that You have called me Your friend and that I may come boldly to the throne of grace to find help whenever I have a need in my life.Lord, Your Word says that when we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. So Today I draw near to You. I seek Your face, Your truth and Your Word for my life. I want to know You more, hear You more and obey You more. Your Word says Your sheep know Your voice and we will not follow the voice of a stranger. Help me to know Your voice and not be deceived by any other voice. Help me to guard my heart from the influences of this world and the people around me. Help me not to be deceived by the devil and his lies, but to view all thoughts and decisions through the lens of righteousness.Thank You Lord.Amen.
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